"Count what is countable. Measure what is measureable. What is not measureable, make measureable." -- Galileo

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Plone and JBoss, among others

Yesterday I learned that my corporation is considering changing their intranet portal to JBoss. (It is currently an Oracle-based system, previously Vignette.) The internal discussion website had almost no comments, which is odd. A couple people down in human-computer interactions are doing a portal usability study and that would make an excellent starting point in evaluating any future portal.

Anyway, I took advantage of the opportunity to research Plone and JBoss. What I found was excellent. If you've not watched the NASA/JPL presentation on Plone, JBoss, Django, TurboGears, et al., you owe it to yourself to spend 40 minutes with this screencast. It provides entertaining, realistic, useful measures of effectiveness of systems. Thanks to Floyd May for posting that link on Plone.org.

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