"Count what is countable. Measure what is measureable. What is not measureable, make measureable." -- Galileo

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The GBPC is Ovah!

The Great Backyard Plone Count is over and I'd like to thank everyone who participated. Just in a brief once-over of the data shows an incredible diversity of sites reporting in. Plone Community, you guys rock!

The data collection spreadsheet is still up and available to all, but I've turned off the online form until next year. In the graph above blue is the cummulative number of sites reported during the 96-hour long weekend and red is the number of people contributing.

One side-effect included Sam inspiring me to data mine Del.icio.us for "plone-site" tags. I've done the basic sweep of all 2326 links, but I've also collected a bunch of Delicious anchors that have to be purged before I publish the full list. Stay tuna'd for that later this week.

Another side-effect was Finn Arild publishing a link to his own list of sites for both Plone (CMS) and Plone (music).

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