"Count what is countable. Measure what is measureable. What is not measureable, make measureable." -- Galileo

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Plone for WACSI

Our "Web Access for Civil Society Initiatives" Plone workshop continues. The first day of technical training was counted very successful, especially as we had very little lecture and lots of hands on. It was a good load test both for the UNM server and the RSS training facility.

No significant glitches, although we had some odd moments with unicode errors for cut-and-paste when using Arabic. Seems that the cut from 'actions' failed although it worked fine in the contents menu. Hmm??

We'll be looking for Plone consultants in the MENA region for training and development, since some NGOs are hosting their primary web presence on the UNM WACSI server.

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