"Count what is countable. Measure what is measureable. What is not measureable, make measureable." -- Galileo

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Plone at Sandia National Laboratories

Here's an interesting bit I generated today ahead of an internal review meeting. Its a plot of the date of creation of all our Plone sites here in Sandia's Cooperative International Programs. As you can see, its very much a linear treand. We can expect to need to build seven new portals in the remainder of the fiscal year. We should hit 40 sites by December 2008.


Michael Bernstein said...

Karl, can you post an update for this? I'd be interested in whether Plone use at Sandia has continued to grow at the same rate.

Michael Bernstein said...

Karl, can you post an update for this? I'd be interested in whether Plone use at Sandia has continued to grow at the same rate.

Schlepp said...

We're well over 50 sites last time I counted. A number have been retired, so the active number is lower. That said, corporate IT people were asking just last week about how we handled LDAP, so there is additional interest at higher levels. I'll try to pull my stats together for an updated graph.