"Count what is countable. Measure what is measureable. What is not measureable, make measureable." -- Galileo

Monday, February 11, 2008

Plone Strategic Summit Output

Been looking for posts by attendees of the Plone Strategic Summit held this past weekend. Haven't seen anything yet, but I'll be patient. Meanwhile, checkout the demographics at Jon Stahl's pre-summit survey.

Also, don't miss the new Plone logo.

Late breaking midday update: I found a few recent references by searching in Technorati. Guess the search engines haven't gotten to the weekend's blogs yet.

There's a summary from Friday at Plope and a twitter from Chistian Scholz. Probably the best was "The Silent Summit" piece and the remarkable comment threads from Stahl, Aspeli, Gottlieb, and others.

It is interesting that the first Plone Strategic Planning Summit turned to good ol' human interaction, big white tablets, and the "graphite manual interface". I'll be very curious to see the outputs in the blogs and on the boards at Nabble.

And finally, I'll put in an unabashed plug for my other blog, children's adventure stories of a teddy bear that travels with me. I've had a related website since 1999, so it covers some interesting time, like working in Vienna with the IAEA and sending web servers to Baghdad for the UN weapons inspectors back in 2002.

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